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Everything you need to know about applying for dormitory space – academic year 2024/2025 [for PhD students]

Category: Dormitory

Who can apply for a place in a UW dormitory?

All UW student and doctoral student has the right to apply for a place for themselves, as well as for their children and spouse or partner.

The place is granted for the period until 9 July 2025, with the possibility of early check-out or extension of accommodation for the summer holidays of 2025.

Currently, we do not accommodate students/doctoral students from other universities for the new academic year – in the event of a possible change in this decision, a separate announcement will be published, but not earlier than mid-October 2024.

If you are already living in one of our dormitories, will continue your doctoral school education, and would like to continue living in the same place, you do not need to submit an application. Instead, write to: bpm@uw.edu.pl to extend your accommodation.

Application deadlines

Two rounds of application and processing have been scheduled:

  • Round I for current doctoral students who have not extended their accommodation – applications will be available from 17 June – 8 July 2024,
  • Round II for those admitted to the doctoral school in 2024/2025– applications will be available from 26 August – 2 September 2024.

Instead of the existing September third round, a waiting list will be launched (the rules for allocating places and a link to the list will be published in early September).

You will be able to apply for a place in a halls of residence by the indicated deadline, after which the possibility to apply will be switched off, after which all applications will be considered.

Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis – if we find any deficiencies in the application, you will be notified by email via a comment on the application in USOSweb and you will have time to complete it.

It will be impossible to submit an application after the indicated deadlines. Don’t put off applying! The second round of application will be available ONLY for those who start their studies at UW in the academic year 2024/2025.

New rules

Compared to last year, the rules for allocating places in the student residences have changed. Below you will find all the most important information about how to apply. We encourage you to familiarise yourself with this information before submitting your application.

When to file an income statement?

The biggest change is the waiver of the obligation to fill out an income statement. Now the income statement should be filled out only by those whose income per person in the family does not exceed 1800 PLN.

Rules for allocation of seats

Two groups of students have been singled out to receive a place in the dormitory first:

  • persons benefiting from a social scholarship, and in the case of those beginning their studies, benefiting from a school scholarship or other benefit in the nature of support for a person in a difficult financial situation, and persons whose income qualifies them for a social scholarship;
  • persons with the title of laureate or finalist of an Olympiad – i.e., those admitted to study in the year of taking the matriculation exam have the title of laureate or finalist of a central-level Olympiad, laureate or finalist of a national and international competition listed in the Resolution of the Senate of the University of Warsaw on detailed rules for the admission of laureates and finalists of central-level Olympiads and laureates and finalists of national and international competitions (applies only to the 1st year of studies of the first degree or uniform master’s degree).

If you do not get a place based on the above criteria, you can apply for a place based on the scores of additional criteria. In the application you will find a broad catalog of prerequisites taken into account when awarding seats.

Number of points: Reason: Sample documents to be attached to the application:
120 Income not exceeding 1800 PLN per person in the family it is necessary to complete an income statement in the cases described above!
120 receipt of the Minister’s scholarship for significant achievements in the academic year preceding the academic year for which a place in a dormitory is granted award decision
100 graduation with honors in the academic year preceding the academic year for which a place in the dormitory is granted graduation diploma or certificate of graduation with honors
60 receipt of a rector’s scholarship in the academic year preceding the academic year for which a place in a dormitory is granted no document should be attached – the coordinator will verify this information in USOS. In the case where the scholarship was awarded at another university – the award decision.
60 receive a scholarship from the Prime Minister of Poland, a scholarship from the minister responsible for education and upbringing for outstanding educational achievements, or a scholarship from the minister responsible for culture and national heritage protection for artistic achievements. award decision
60 active participation in the residents’ council certificate issued by the dormitory manager or President of the UW Students Council
40 orphanhood or semi-orphanhood of the applicant death certificate of the parent or parents
40 raising the applicant by a single parent divorce decree, alimony decree, alimony settlement, full birth certificate
40 active participation in the bodies of student or doctoral student self-government elected by popular vote at the University, excluding the residents’ council, or serving as a representative in collegiate entities and other bodies of the University (a list of eligible entities can be found on the right side of this entry) certificate issued by the president of the student body or student government
40 active participation in student or school organizations, in particular in study circles – in the case of students in the first year of first-cycle or single-master studies in the year preceding the academic year for which a place in the dormitory is granted certificate issued by the guardian of the organization on the recommendation of the president or headmaster of the school
40 representing the UW in artistic activities or sports competitions a diploma documenting placement/participation in the competition or a certificate issued by the relevant entity (e.g., organizers, AZS)
40 regular volunteer activities certificate issued by the volunteer organizers
35 single parenting of a child by the applicant divorce decree, alimony decree, alimony settlement, full birth certificate
25 studying in individual interdisciplinary studies or in more than one field of study if you are studying only at UW you do not need to attach any document, otherwise it will be necessary to attach a certificate of being a student
20 uninterrupted residence in the dormitory indicated in the application in the first place of preference for at least 90 days during the period from 1 October to 30 June of the academic year preceding the academic year for which a place in the dormitory is to be granted you do not need to attach any document – the coordinator will verify this information in USOS
10 uninterrupted residence in a dormitory other than the one indicated in the application in the first place for at least 90 days during the period from 1 October to 30 June of the academic year preceding the academic year for which the place in the dormitory is to be granted you do not need to attach any document – the coordinator will verify this information in USOS
What if the above documents are in another language?

The documents should be translated into Polish.

When more than one person has the same number of points, and the number of places does not allow to award them to each person, the distance from the place of residence will be taken into account – the place will be given to the person who lives further from the University.

How to apply

Step 1: Log in to USOSweb UW – usosweb.uw.edu.pl (please use USOSweb central, not departmental installations). Report the inability to log in to the dean’s office/secretariat of your major.
Step 2: Select the “Common Section” tab, and then “Applications”.
Step 3: In the list of available applications, select “Housing application 2024/2025” and then “Start filling”.
Step 4: Select one of the available fields:

Unit Places: University of Warsaw (for all students),
Unit Places: The Office for Persons with Disabilities (BON) for those with a disability or chronic illness, or
Unit Places: Office for Material Assistance
(for doctoral students).

Step 5: Select those criteria that apply to you. Some of them require you to add a supporting document – see the table above for information on which document to add.
Step 6: Rank the dorms in order from the one you would most like to live in to the one you would least like to live in. Moving the boxes may be impossible or difficult on touch screens.
Step 7: This is almost the end. At this stage, approve the application by selecting Next: Sign and submit electronically.
Step 8: Enter the authorization code, which will be used to approve your application. At the top of the screen you will see what email the code was sent to. Sometimes the email with the code goes to Spam or you have to wait a few minutes for it.
Step 9: After entering the code, an annotation “Delivered” should appear next to your application, which means that the application has reached us and will be verified. The absence of this annotation means that it has not been successfully delivered. The status of the application will change over time, and you will be notified each time by an email sent from the system.


  • until the application is finally approved, you can go back to earlier fields and modify them;
  • you can save the application at any stage and return to edit it later;
  • you can submit a maximum of 1 application.

Important Notes

Don’t put off applying. For current students, only the 1st round will be available, the next chance to get a place will be to sign up for the waiting list. An analogous situation applies to students in the 1st year of their Bachelor’s, Master’s or Unified Master’s studies.

Student Welfare and Support Office has no influence on the pace and order of granting access in USOSweb for those newly admitted to UW. Access issues should be inquired about at your teaching unit (department, etc.).

Application can only be submitted via USOSweb – paper delivered applications will not be accepted. The USOSweb application does not need to be printed and delivered to the Office.



Do you need information about my income?

The income statement should only be completed by those with a per capita family income of less than or equal to 1800 PLN.

What if the per capita income in my family is more than 1800 PLN, should I fill in an income statement?

In this case, it is not necessary to fill in an income statement – no points will be awarded in this category for an income of more than 1800 PLN per person in the family.

What if the income per person in my family does not exceed 1800 PLN and I do not receive a social grant?

If this is the case, we recommend that you complete an income statement. If your income calculation is confirmed, you will receive 120 points. If the statement is not submitted, your application will be considered, but no points will be awarded in this category.

How many points for distance can be obtained?

Distance is not scored, it is only decisive in the case of equal numbers of points – if, for example, there is 1 vacancy left and there are 3 people with the same number of points – then the person whose distance between the UW and the place of residence is greater will be awarded a place.

Do you need the original documents referred to in the table?

No, scans attached to the application in USOSweb are sufficient.

Does the application need to be printed and delivered/sent to the Student Welfare and Support Office?

No, submitting the application in USOSweb is sufficient – the entire procedure is done electronically only.

Is it possible to submit an application outside the scheduled rounds?

Unfortunately, no, after the end of the round, the application will be closed. If you do not apply, you will be able to use the waiting list, which will be opened in September.

Is it possible to apply without access to USOSweb?

Unfortunately no, another form of application is not provided. For USOSweb access, you should report to the teaching unit (department, etc.) where you will be undertaking your studies.

Will dormitory 7 be available from the 2024/2025 academic year?

Yes, it will be available – on the same terms as the other dormitories.

What should I do if I don’t have a set of documents?

We suggest submitting an application even without a complete set of documents – the coordinator, during the verification of the application, will ask you to complete them. You will receive notification of the need to complete the application on the email provided in the application.

I am extending my training at the doctoral school, am I entitled to dormitory accommodation?

Yes, you are entitled to accommodation as long as you have doctoral status.

Does a 4.75 average obtained in the 1st year of study mean graduation with honours?

No, a diploma with distinction is awarded to those who graduate on time, who have obtained a study average higher than 4.6, and who have obtained very good (5.0) grades in their diploma thesis and diploma examination, and who have not violated the rules contained in the oath of office. Completing a given year of studies with a high average is not equivalent to graduating with honours.

Does the receipt of an allowance entitle the beneficiary to benefit from the premise of benefits supporting people in financial difficulties?

No, the criterion of a student who received – in the case of persons enrolled in the first year of first-cycle or long-cycle studies – a school scholarship or other benefits in the nature of support for a person in a difficult financial situation in the school year preceding the academic year for which a place in a student hall of residence is to be granted applies only to students enrolled in the first year of first-cycle or long-cycle studies. It was introduced so that the regulations would reflect the forms of support from which a person could benefit (those beginning their education could not receive a maintenance grant, etc.).

Examples of benefits supporting people in a difficult financial situation include the use of the Alimony Fund.

Can a NAWA scholarship be recognised as a maintenance scholarship or a ministerial scholarship?

No, only the scholarships listed in the regulations are scored, ie:

  • Social scholarship and increased social scholarship,
  • Rector’s scholarship,
  • scholarship of the President of the Council of Ministers,
  • scholarship of the minister competent for education and upbringing
  • for outstanding educational achievements,
  • scholarship of the minister competent for culture and national heritage protection for artistic achievements.

In view of this, additional points for the scholarship are also not available to those receiving a doctoral scholarship.

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