Announcement about the date and form of application for material assistance benefits in the academic year 2024/2025 (for students)

Category: Announcement
Form and deadlines for submitting applications for: rector’s scholarship, social scholarship, scholarship for disabled persons and assistance grant for students in the academic year 2024/2025.
Rector’s scholarship
- To apply for the rector’s scholarship, submit an application via USOSweb (go to „Common section” and then „Applications”).
- In particularly justified cases (e.g. when technical errors prevent you from submitting your application as an electronic document in USOSweb), you may submit your application on paper to our office.
- Applications for the rector’s scholarship can be submitted from 16 September to 15 October 2024.
- More about rector’s scholarship
Social scholarship
- To apply for the social scholarship, submit an application via USOSweb (go to „Common section” and then „Applications”).
- You can do this on 2 September 2024 at the earliest.
- In order to maintain your entitlement to a grant for a particular month, you must apply by the end of that month.
- More about social scholarship
Example: To get a scholarship for October, you must apply no later than 31 October.
Scholarship for disabled persons
- To apply for the scholarship for disabled persons, submit an application via USOSweb (go to „Common section” and then „Applications”).
- Możesz to zrobić najwcześniej 15 września 2024 roku.
- In order to maintain your entitlement to a grant for a particular month, you must apply by the end of that month.
- More about scholarship for disabled persons
Example: To get a scholarship for October, you must apply no later than 31 October.
Assistance grant
- To apply for the assistance grant, submit an application via USOSweb (go to „Common section” and then „Applications”).
- You can submit your application on 1 October 2024 at the earliest.
- Applications for the aid can be made throughout the academic year.
- More about assistance grant
Legal basis
§ 8 par. 1 of the Regulations on Benefits for Students of the University of Warsaw, constituting an annex to Order No. 142 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw dated 1 October 2019 on the introduction of the Regulations on Benefits for Students of the University of Warsaw (consolidated text: Monitor UW of 2021, item 215, as changed).