Announcement on the situation related to the allocation of places in student house for the academic year 2023/2024

Category: Dormitory
We are very sorry that many of you did not get a place in a student house this year. First of all, we would like to point out that on Monday, 18 September from 8:00 a.m., those who have applied for a place in the dormitory have access to the reserve list, which will allocate free places in the dormitories (the first ones – due to cancellation of the place – have already been allocated today). The reserve list will be published on our website on Thursday, 21 September at 8:00 a.m., and as of that day, those who have not applied will also be able to enroll on it. The reserve list is not used to exchange places.
The exceptionally difficult situation in a student house this year is due to a number of factors, most notably: (1) the increase in the number of students due to, among other things, the recruitment of the so-called “double yearbook,” as seen, for example, in the doubling of Olympic athletes applying for a place in a dormitory, (2) the prolongation of renovations in the dormitories.
[Remaining in the student house of persons without referral].
The Vice-Rector for Students and Quality of Teaching Prof. Sławomir Żółtek, has issued an order that students without referrals to live in one of the UW student houses should not be checked out of their previously occupied space for as long as possible, i.e. until the individual dormitories have full occupancy as a result of accommodating people with referrals. The above decision covers all UW student dormitories.
[Increasing the number of available seats].
The first additional places in the student houses will be available before the end of September, and more will be available at the beginning of October (according to the information we have received, among other things, additional rooms will be ready then, following the completion of renovations currently underway – we would like to remind you that renovations are not carried out and supervised by the Student Welfare and Support Office). In addition, as of 2 October, places assigned to people who have not accommodated themselves, although they have received a place, will return to the pool of available places (for this reason, we have already sent emails to all those who have received a place asking them to resign if they already know that they will not want to be accommodated).
[Application Deadlines]
We know that there is a lot of controversy over the timing of applications for dormitory space. We would like to draw your attention to some of the most important information:
- the opportunity to apply for a place in a student dormitory for the 2023/2024 academic year was launched as early as 1 June 2023, making this year’s dormitory application period the longest in many years – despite the opportunity to apply so early, many people unfortunately waited until the last round of applications,
- for many years, the first round of application processing has been held in July and is aimed at current students (starting the application in June was intended to help, among others, students who defended themselves during the summer and planned to continue their studies at UW), the second round is dedicated to those beginning their studies at UW and its timing depends mainly on the registration schedule – such a separate round for this group is always held in August or September, the third round (intended for those who did not get a place in the first or second round or have not yet applied) has always been held in mid-September. Similar timelines for processing applications as in previous years therefore also apply this year. For example, links to previous application processing schedules (for 2021/2022 and 2022/2023): Komunikat Rektora w sprawie składania wniosków o przyznanie miejsca w domu studenta, rozpatrywania wniosków oraz kwaterowania w domach studenta na rok akademicki 2021/2022, Everything you need to know about applying for a place in a Student House – academic year 2022/23.
- according to the information on our website, applications were processed on the last day of a given round. If anyone had doubts about the deadline for processing their application and contacted us, they were provided with the relevant information,
- the application schedule was presented to the UW Students’ Union Board for its opinion – no objections were raised to it. Likewise, the procedure for applying for a place and the situation related to student residences was consulted with the General Council of Residents’ Councils.
[Formalities for applying for dormitory space]
Because the procedure for applying for a place in a dormitory is not carried out under the regime of the Code of Administrative Procedure, we have tried to consider applications, whenever possible, in favor of the student – in particular, when the applicant reported to us that, due to, for example, difficult family relations, it would not be possible to attach documents related to the parent in question to the application. This academic year, we made no change to the documents needed to apply for a place in a student’s home.
[Further information]
We all understand the difficult situation in which some of you who have not received a place in a student house now find yourselves. All of us, headed by the university authorities and including ourselves and the administration of the individual student houses, are making the utmost effort to provide you with support and to resolve this difficult situation as quickly as possible. We also ask you to be kind and understanding to everyone involved in this process, including refraining from negative comments and outbursts of aggression – there are people on all sides of the process of allocating a place and accommodation in the student residences who are doing everything in their power to ensure that the most needy people receive a place in the student residences of the University of Warsaw.