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Everything you need to know about the income statement – academic year 2024/2025 [UPDATE]

Category: Dormitory, Social scholarship

[UPDATE, 13 June 2024]

Due to a technical error in USOSweb preventing the display of income statements for the academic year 2024/2025 (base year 2023) in English, the Vice-Rector has decided to change the form of submitting income statements for students who are not citizens of EU member states, the Swiss Confederation, or member states of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) – parties to the European Economic Area agreement (EEA). The change only applies to the procedure for applying for a place in the dormitory.

The form, along with all required documents, must be included with the application for a place in the dormitory.

The form is available both on USOSweb and here:

Form - to downloadClick to download the form

The income statement for the academic year 2024/2025 is a statement based on the year 2023 (also known as the base year). Even though it refers to the year 2023, it also takes into account the current situation, i.e. at the time of submitting the statement. Therefore, if you or someone in your family has lost income from 2023 or gained new income after 2023, you must include this situation.

How is income per person in the family calculated?

The income per person in the USOSweb family is calculated (based on the data provided) by summing up the incomes of all family members, after deducting social security contributions, health insurance, and income tax. Then the income is divided by the number of people in the household and the number of months for which the income was obtained.

Income obtained after 2023 is also added to the income calculation (it is not divided by the number of months).

Child support payments made to individuals outside the household can be deducted from the income.

Income also includes non-taxable income, with exceptions such as:

  • 500/800 plus;
  • social scholarship, rector’s scholarship, assistance grant.

The statement consists of five parts:

  • information about the composition of your family,
  • determination of their main occupation (e.g. work, studies),
  • determination of sources of income from 2023 (in particular: income from employment contract, income from abroad, pensions, retirement benefits, child benefits, agriculture, performing social functions);
  • determination of any changes after 2023 to today (loss/gain of income),
  • documents confirming the above information.

Who must file an income statement?

There are several situations in which you must or should submit an income statement:

  • when applying for a place in the dormitory, if:
    • Your income does not exceed 1800 PLN and you have not received social scholarship during the current academic year (you also do not meet other criteria entitling you to priority when allocating places)
  • when applying for social scholarship – in this case, you must first submit a declaration of income, and only then a request for allocation of a place in the dormitory.

When to file an income statement?

When applying for a place in the dormitory: When applying for social scholarship:
For current students, you have from 17 June to 8 July to submit an income statement.

When you are just starting your studies at UW you can submit the statement from 5 to 22 August.

Be sure to indicate in your application for a dormitory space that you want points for an income of no more than 1800 PLN! Otherwise, points may not be calculated.

The income statement will be available in USOSweb from 17 June and will remain open almost until the end of the next academic year.

If you want to get your social scholarship payment as early as October, don’t put off submitting the statement. Statements will be verified on an ongoing basis.

How to file an income statement?

STEP 1: Log in to USOSweb UW (central – please do not use faculty’s installations), at the address usosweb.uw.edu.pl
STEP 2: Select the tab For everyone, then select Applications and choose “Statement of Income for the academic year 2024/2025 (base year: 2023)” from the list of available applications.
STEP 3: Carefully fill in the subsequent parts of the statement – whether you will see a particular screen depends on what you indicate in the earlier part of the application (e.g. if you specify that you want to declare income without parents, a list of criteria to meet will appear). Each screen contains messages that help determine if a particular field concerns your situation.
STEP 4: The statement concludes with authentication using a code – at this stage, you must approve the statement by selecting the option Next: Sign and submit electronically.
STEP 5: Enter the authorization code, which will be used to approve your statement. At the top of the screen, you will see information on where the code has been sent. It sometimes happens that the email with the code goes to Spam, or you may need to wait a few minutes to receive it.
STEP 6: After entering the code, there should be a note “Delivered” next to your statement, indicating that the application has reached us and will be verified. The absence of this note means that it has not been successfully delivered. The status of the application will change over time, and you will be notified each time by an email sent from the system.

Who is included in the family?

In addition to the applicant (you), the family members generally include:

  • parents;
  • spouse;
  • children (including adopted children);
  • siblings who are minors or still in education up to the age of 26 or with disabilities, regardless of age, who are dependent on your parents;
  • de facto carer – for example, the partner you depend on.

When can I apply without indicating my parents (and siblings) in the family composition?

If you meet at least one of the following conditions:

  • you are over 26 years old,
  • you are married (in this case, include your spouse in the family),
  • you have children to support (including adopted children),
  • you reached the age of majority while in foster care,
  • you have a stable source of income, and your average monthly income in the previous tax year and in the current year in the months preceding the month of filing a income statement is higher or equal to 930,35 PLN. If you are not sure if you meet this condition, you can submit an application with documents confirming your income – then the coordinator will check if you can take advantage of the possibility of settlement.

When you meet one of the conditions, you must include a statement (DOWNLOAD) stating that you do not live with your parents, and in the case of conditions 2-5, you must include the appropriate document confirming your situation.

What documents are needed to complete the statement?

  Applicant Applicant’s parents Siblings of the applicant (adults) Siblings of the applicant (underage)
Mandatory documents 1. Certificate from the Tax Office regarding income and the amount of social security contributions for the year 2023.

2. Certificate from ZUS regarding the amount of health insurance contributions for the year 2023, including insurance codes (unless you did not receive income in 2023).

3. Declaration of income not subject to taxation for the year 2023.

1. Certificate from the Tax Office regarding income and the amount of social security contributions for the year 2023.

2. Certificate from ZUS regarding the amount of health insurance contributions for the year 2023, including insurance codes (unless you did not receive income in 2023).

3. Declaration of income not subject to taxation for the year 2023.

1. Certificate from the Tax Office regarding income and the amount of social security contributions for the year 2023.

2. Certificate from ZUS regarding the amount of health insurance contributions for the year 2023, including insurance codes (unless you did not receive income in 2023).

3. Certificate of learning (from school/university)and/or certificate of disability.

4. Declaration of income not subject to taxation for the year 2023.

1. Certificate of learning (from school or university).
Additional documents   If one parent is not included: judgment or alimony settlement (court settlement or settlement before a mediator approved by the court) or confirmation of dismissal of an action for alimony, death certificate, complete birth certificate (in the case of an unknown father), certificate from the Police (in the case of a missing parent).    
Income lost in 2023 or later Contract or certificate of employment and PIT-11 from the employer in question.
In the case of deletion of economic activity – an extract from CEIDG.
Income earned after 2023 Certificate on the amount of income for the second month after the establishment of the contract, as well as a contract of employment, commission or a certificate from the employer.

Note! Certificates from US and ZUS cannot be replaced by a PIT or other document.

When family members have an agricultural farm then a certificate from the relevant municipality office on the size of the farm (for 2023) – in physical and converted hectares – should be presented. Then, too, instead of documents from the Social Insurance Institution, we present the corresponding certificates from the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund.

Don’t worry – if you don’t attach some document you will have a chance to complete the application.

What is the new income after the base year?

It is the income obtained after 31.12.2023 and obtained until the day of submitting the income statement, usually it includes:

  • getting a new job, contract, etc
  • receiving a pension or retirement.

Therefore, the new income, after 2023, will not be listed by the tax office, but it is mandatory to indicate it – such income is included in calculating the income per person in the family.

The new income is not:

  • increased salary in the current job (raise),
  • decreased salary,
  • change in workload,
  • reduced hours,
  • receiving social scholarship/assistance grant/rector’s scholarship at university,
  • another contract with the same contractor/employer,
  • income obtained after 31.12.2023, which is no longer obtained on the day of submitting the statement, for example, work that you took in the period February-May 2024 is not included in the income, you do not have to include it.

What if I no longer have the income that I obtained in 2023?

Such income may be subject to loss, meaning in certain cases it may not be included in your family’s income, which will result in a lower income. These cases include:

  • loss of employment, contracts, etc.
  • loss of unemployment benefits,
  • removal from the business activity register.

What do the income statement statuses mean?

  • Filled in – the application is in the process of completion, you can freely make changes to the document. Please note that applications and statements with this status will not be verified.
  • Delivered – at this stage you can no longer make changes to the application/statement. From this point on, the documents are subject to verification. To avoid problems related to the submission of the application/statement, make sure that USOSweb shows your email in the UW domain. Don’t put off submitting your application until the last moment!
  • Declared incomplete/Declared incorrect – during the verification of the application, the coordinator found errors or missing documents. Most often, you will find detailed information on how to improve your application in a comment visible in USOSweb or in your email inbox.
  • Accepted – the status indicates that the statement has been verified.


I am applying for a place in the dormitory for the year 2024/2025 – which year’s income will be taken into account in the statement?
In the statement, you must include income for the year 2023 and any changes that occurred in 2024 (common changes include loss of employment or new employment).

I am a foreigner, do I need to include documents translated by a sworn translator in the statement?
A sworn translation is required when applying for social scholarship. For applying for a place in the dormitory, a regular translation is sufficient.

Is the NAWA scholarship included in the family’s income?
No, as a social benefit, the NAWA scholarship is not included in the income – but you must declare it.

I do not keep in touch with my family, do I need to include them in the household?
Yes, in certain cases you may not need to indicate the income of your family members. Detailed information can be found above (search for: When can I submit an application without indicating parents (and siblings) in the composition of the family?). The same rules apply if part of your family is living abroad – you must include their incomes, unless you meet one of the criteria entitling you to file separately.

Can the income statement be verified before submission?
No, the verification of the statement takes place after submission. If you have any doubts, you can contact our office in one of the following ways:

  • you can email us with your questions (we recommend attaching a screenshot of the part of the statement you have questions about)
  • you can call us
  • you can come to our office in person

Detailed contact information can be found in the Contact tab.

Is the 800 Plus program included in the income?
It is not included, but the statement includes a question about whether your family receives this benefit, to provide a complete picture of the family’s financial situation.


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