Everything you need to know about applying for the Rector’s scholarship – academic year 2022/2023 [UPDATED]

Category: Rector’s scholarship
[Post will be updated]
From October 3, all applications for benefits handled by our office (rector’s scholarship, social scholarship and assistance grant) are available.
To apply for the rector’s scholarship, you must submit an application by October 17. This is a deadline! Pursuant to the recent changes in the Regulations on benefits for students of the University of Warsaw, applications for the rector’s scholarship submitted after this date will not be considered. What does this mean in practice? If you apply after October 17, you will not receive a decision to appeal. The path for applying for the rector’s scholarship will definitely close on the last day of submitting the application. So don’t leave it to the last minute.
[How to apply?]
As a rule, applications are submitted via USOSweb. In particularly justified cases – e.g. in the event of technical errors making it impossible to submit an application in the form of an electronic document in USOSweb – the application together with documented achievements may be submitted in paper form. If it is necessary to submit an application in paper form, the documents should be submitted to our office. Also in the case of the paper form, the deadline of October 17 is binding – it does not change the fact that the default form of submitting the application is the electronic form – via USOSweb. A paper application may be submitted only exceptionally (in the case described above).
Submitting an application via USOSweb is very simple. After logging in to the USOSweb (central, not departmental!), select common section tab, then applications, and from the list select the one you want to fill in (the same path applies to the social scholarship, the rector’s scholarship and the assistance grant).
[Other important news]
From this year, we resigned from something that raised many doubts – certificates regarding the average in the case of students who changed their major at the University of Warsaw. If you come to us from another university, you still need to provide such a certificate! The rules for converting the average from another university have also changed.
[What awaits you in the near future. A handful of tips]
Many questions may arise in your mind in the near future. Start by reading the information in our Rector’s Scholarship tab. There you will find a lot of useful information and answers to the most frequently asked questions. If you still have doubts, please send us an e-mail at: bpm@uw.edu.pl. When writing to us, remember about:
- using e-mail in the UW domain,
- clear indication of what the case is about in the title of the email,
- your album number.
Please be patient, we try to respond as soon as possible, but since October the number of e-mails that is addressed to us has been increasing exponentially.
Keep calm, remember that we will always contact you at some stage with information that you can make a reservation about your average or achievement rating. To improve our work, please wait patiently for us to contact you. Applying earlier, unfortunately, usually will not speed up the application verification process.
Don’t worry if you don’t see your average yet. Units are working on accounting for years and creating rankings, so even until the beginning of November you may not see your average in the system.
Approach the rankings with some distance. We can see that some people like to analyze the rankings appearing in USOSweb. Remember that they are only an auxiliary tool. They do not take into account, for example, points for additional achievements, so sometimes they do not reflect the real situation well.
PS Just like last year, also in this news after October 17, we will publish information on the number of submitted applications. This information will appear in this entry together with any important information about the application verification process.
[UPDATE 14.10]
List of coordinators in the units responsible for the Rector’s Scholarship 2022/2023:
Faculty | Responsible person | |
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics | Małgorzata Nowicka | m.nowicka@mimuw.edu.pl m.nowicka22@uw.edu.pl |
Faculty of Physics | Mateusz Zduńczuk | mateusz.zdunczuk@fuw.edu.pl |
Faculty of Chemistry | Joanna Keller-Perz | jkperz@chem.uw.edu.pl |
Faculty of Geology | Magdalena Majczyno | m.majczyno@uw.edu.pl |
Faculty of Biology | Ewa Fluks | e.fluks@uw.edu.pl |
Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies | Dorota Chojnacka-Ścisło | d.chojnackas@uw.edu.pl |
Faculty of Political Science and International Studies | Magdalena Konkowska (brak komisji) | m.konkowska@uw.edu.pl |
Dorota Klugowska | d.klugowska@uw.edu.pl | |
Faculty of Law and Administration | Dorota Otko-Majewska | dom@wpia.uw.edu.pl |
Faculty of Education | Ilona Kowalak-Grabowy | i.kowalak@uw.edu.pl |
Faculty of Economic Sciences | Małgorzata Mendygrał | mendygral@wne.uw.edu.pl |
Mateusz Kopyt | mkopyt@wne.uw.edu.pl | |
Faculty of Psychology | Agata Mizgalska | agata.mizgalska@psych.uw.edu.pl |
Faculty of Management | Wioletta Wnukowska | WWnukowska@wz.uw.edu.pl |
Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies | Joanna Dubel | j.dubel@uw.edu.pl |
Faculty of Archaeology | Joanna Lange-Kostrzewa | j.lange@uw.edu.pl |
Faculty of History | Ulyana Sharpe | u.sharpe@uw.edu.pl |
Victoriia Cherniak | sekcja.stud.wh@uw.edu.pl | |
Faculty of Polish Studies | Jolanta Przygocka | j.d.przygocka@uw.edu.pl |
Magdalena Rymwid-Mickiewicz | m.mickiewicz@uw.edu.pl | |
Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology | Michał Głuszek | m.gluszek@uw.edu.pl |
Institute of the History of Art | Sylwia Wójtowicz | swojtowicz@uw.edu.pl |
Institute of Musicology | Anastasiya Niakrasava | a.niakrasava@uw.edu.pl |
Institute of Applied Linguistics | Monika Marcinkowska | student.lic.ils@uw.edu.pl |
Joanna Starkowska | student.ils@uw.edu.pl | |
Urszula Krasowska | student.mgr.ils@uw.edu.pl | |
Russian Studies | Małgorzata Cielebąk | dziennerus@uw.edu.pl |
Belarusian Studies | Małgorzata Cielebąk | student.kb@uw.edu.pl |
Ukrainian Studies | Sylwia Stedler-Banasiak | student.ku@uw.edu.pl |
Institute of Specialised and Intercultural Communication | Paulina Stedler | iksi@uw.edu.pl |
Justyna Pomykała | iksi.magisterskie@uw.edu.pl | |
Department of Central and East European Intercultural Studies | Sylwia Stedler-Banasiak | student.ksi@uw.edu.pl |
Faculty of Modern Languages | Joanna Dominowska | j.dominowska@uw.edu.pl |
Institute of English Studies | Joanna Sokołowska | j.sokolowska@uw.edu.pl |
Lidia Matuszewska | lidkam@uw.edu.pl | |
Institute of German Studies | Ewa Janukowicz | germanistyka@wn.uw.edu.pl |
Institute of French Studies | Janina Sas | romanistyka@uw.edu.pl |
Institute of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies | Grażyna Kurzyna | Grazyna.Kurzyna@adm.uw.edu.pl |
Department of Hungarian Studies | Urszula Grzelecka | hungarystyka@uw.edu.pl |
Department of Italian Studies | Magdalena Mars | italianistyka.wn@uw.edu.pl |
Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialisation | Joanna Rucin-Kremplewska profilaktyka społeczna i resocjalizacja, I stopnia, stacjonarne profilaktyka społeczna i resocjalizacja, II stopnia, niestacjonarne (zaoczne) praca socjalna |
jerucink@uw.edu.pl |
Katarzyna Podgórska profilaktyka społeczna i resocjalizacja, I stopnia, niestacjonarne zaoczne profilaktyka społeczna i resocjalizacja, II stopnia, stacjonarne |
ipsir-z@uw.edu.pl | |
Monika Nowakowska kryminologia |
mi.nowakowska@uw.edu.pl | |
Institute of Applied Social Sciences | Edyta Gruza | isns-z@isns.uw.edu.pl |
Faculty of Sociology | Anna Osiecka-Bińkowska socjologia I stopnia |
a.osiecka@is.uw.edu.pl |
Joanna Caban socjologia II stopnia socjologia cyfrowa |
cabanj@is.uw.edu.pl | |
Marta Jasińska Język i społeczeństwo |
jasinskam@is.uw.edu.pl | |
Marta Gospodarczyk Socjologia interwencji społecznych |
m.gospodarczyk@is.uw.edu.pl | |
Faculty of Oriental Studies | Monika Zeman | m.zeman@uw.edu.pl |
Anna Bengsz | anna.bengsz@uw.edu.pl | |
Studies in Eastern Europe
Beata Smuga | b.smuga2@uw.edu.pl |
Faculty of “Artes Liberales” | Karolina Koper | karolina.koper@al.uw.edu.pl |
Roman Brzeziński | r.brzezinski@al.uw.edu.pl | |
Faculty of Philosophy | Dominika Szkoda | d.szkoda3@uw.edu.pl |
Centre for Europe | Maria Grzybowska | mgrzybowska@uw.edu.pl |
Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling | Hanna Szymanowska | H.Szymanowska@icm.edu.pl |
College of Inter-area Individual Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences | Agnieszka Sobótka | ligatura@mish.uw.edu.pl |
College of Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MISMaP) | Małgorzata Komorowska-Ozimek | m.komorowska@fuw.edu.pl mismap@fuw.edu.pl |
Center for Forensic Science University of Warsaw | Grażyna Sadowska | g.sadowska@uw.edu.pl |
University Centre for Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development | Anita Piłatowicz studia I stopnia |
a.pilatowicz@uw.edu.pl |
Katarzyna Sołdaczuk studia II stopnia |
k.soldaczuk@uw.edu.pl | |
Centre for Foreign Language Teacher Training and European Education UW | Marzena Górecka studia I stopnia |
m.gorecka@uw.edu.pl |
Joanna Grasiewicz studia II stopnia |
j.grasiewicz@uw.edu.pl | |
Centre for European Regional and Local Studies | Ewa Fligiel | e.fligiel@uw.edu.pl |
American Studies Center | Aleksandra Gniadzik-Smolińska | a.gniadzik-smolinska@uw.edu.pl |
Agnieszka Żmijewska-Czajka | aczajka@uw.edu.pl | |
Klaudia Zalewska | kp.zalewska@uw.edu.pl |
[UPDATE 1 December]
After a slightly longer break, we are coming back to you with a handful of important information about the rector’s scholarship.
At the outset, we would like to inform you that the number of applications submitted in the academic year 2022/2023 was 5,830. As of today, the number of applications verified by the Coordinators has exceeded 85%, which means that we are approaching the resolution of the rector’s scholarship procedure in the academic year 2022/2023.
We kindly inform you that at the moment we do not know the specific date of making the decision available, as well as the date of payment and the amount of the scholarship, however, we anticipate the delivery of the decision and payment of the scholarship in the second half of December this year.
We will provide more details soon.
[UPDATED 19 December]
It’s official, the rector’s scholarship this year is PLN 915, 7% of people entitled to this benefit will receive it. The number of eligible students will be determined on the basis of the number of students on October 25.
Important! If 7% is an integer number, it is rounded down to a whole number (this means that if 7% is e.g. 3.89, 3 persons will receive the scholarship). Moreover, if more than one person is on the last place of the ranking list entitling to receive a scholarship, all persons in that position receive a scholarship.
[UPDATED 21 December]
Yesterday, the first decisions were signed and made available. As last year, we will update the percentage of signed decisions every day. For technical reasons, unfortunately, we are unable to publish data on the exact number of decisions that have already been signed and made available in a given field of study. In order to be able to show the progress in making decisions available as accurately as possible, we will publish the percentage of signed and shared documents on the scale of the entire University of Warsaw.
[As of December 20, 20:00]Currently, 20.43% of decisions are signed and made available.
[As of December 21, 16:00]Currently, 29.35% of decisions are signed and made available.
[As of December 22, 20:00]Currently, 80.20% of decisions are signed and made available.
[As of December 29, 20:00]Currently, 82,34% of decisions are signed and made available.
When is the payment? We are doing everything in our power to ensure that the scholarship reaches you as soon as possible.
Each person who receives a positive decision should receive the rector’s scholarship in December for October and November, and in January – for December and January. Some of you will receive a balance in December for all three months, this group was randomly selected.
Could we not pay the rector’s scholarship for 3 months? Unfortunately no, when making this decision once again we had to ensure that the statutory proportions of 60/40 were maintained (the funds allocated to the rector’s scholarship cannot constitute more than 60% of the funds allocated to the rector’s scholarship, social benefits and allowances). We also had to take care of the reserve for January 2023.