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Everything you need to know about applying for the Rector’s scholarship – academic year 2023/2024 [UPDATED]

Category: Rector’s scholarship

[Post will be updated (last updated: 14 December 2023) – see bottom of page for updates].

As of 2 October, all applications for the benefits handled by our office (rector’s scholarship, social scholarship and assistance grant) are available.

As last year, we will also publish information on the number of applications submitted in this news item after 16 October. This information will appear at the end of this post along with any important information about the application review process.


To apply for the rector’s scholarship, you must submit an application by 16 October. This is a deadline! Pursuant to the changes in the Regulations on benefits for students of the University of Warsaw, applications for the rector’s scholarship submitted after this date will not be considered. What does this mean in practice? If you apply after 16 October, you will not receive a decision to appeal. The path for applying for the rector’s scholarship will definitely close on the last day of submitting the application. So don’t leave it to the last minute.

[How to apply?]

As a rule, applications are submitted via USOSweb. In particularly justified cases – e.g. in the event of technical errors making it impossible to submit an application in the form of an electronic document in USOSweb – the application together with documented achievements may be submitted in paper form. If it is necessary to submit an application in paper form, the documents should be submitted to our office. Also for the paper form, 16 October deadline is binding – this does not change the fact that the default form of submission is electronic – via USOSweb. A paper application may be submitted only exceptionally (in the case described above).

Submitting an application via USOSweb is very simple. After logging in to the USOSweb (central, not departmental!), select common section tab, then applications, and from the list select the one you want to fill in (the same path applies to the social scholarship, the rector’s scholarship and the assistance grant).

[How are points counted for average and additional achievements?]

To calculate the number of points for the grade point average obtained (Criterion I) Coordinators use the following formula: 

Lp = 100*(average_scores – 4.00), where: Lp = Number of points 

Some example situations:
If your average is 4.49, the Coordinator will award you 49 points;
If your average is 3.99, the Coordinator will award you 0 points;
If your average is 5.00, the Coordinator will award you 100 points. 

A detailed breakdown of points for additional achievements (Criterion II – IV), can be found in Appendix No. 3 to the Regulations on Benefits for Warsaw University Students.
The document is available at the link (in Polish only: https://monitor.uw.edu.pl/Lists/Uchway/Attachments/5978/M.2021.215.Obw.18.pdf.
The relevant sections, Art. §6-10, all information regarding the scoring of additional achievements is included, along with all details and criteria. 

[What’s ahead of you – a handful of advice].

There may be a lot of questions running through your head in the near future. Start by reading the information in our Rector’s Scholarship tab. There you will find a lot of useful information and answers to the most common questions. If you still have doubts, email us at bpm@uw.edu.pl. When writing to us remember:

  • using e-mail in the UW domain,
  • clear indication of what the case is about in the title of the email,
  • your album number.

Please be patient, we try to respond as quickly as possible, however, since October the number of emails that are directed to us has increased exponentially.

Keep calm, remember that we will always reach out to you at some stage to let you know that you can make an objection to your average or achievement grade. To streamline our work, patiently wait until we contact you. Applying earlier will unfortunately most often not speed up the application review process.

Don’t worry if you don’t see your average yet. Units are working on accounting for the years and creating rankings, so you may not even see your average in the system until early November.

Approach the rankings with some distance. We see that some people like to analyze the rankings that appear in USOSweb. Remember that they are only an auxiliary tool. They do not take into account, for example, points for additional achievements so sometimes they are not a good reflection of the real situation.

List of coordinators in the units responsible for the Rector’s Scholarship 2023/2024:

Faculty Responsible person e-mail
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics Małgorzata Nowicka m.nowicka@mimuw.edu.pl
Faculty of Physics Mateusz Zduńczuk mateusz.zdunczuk@fuw.edu.pl
Faculty of Chemistry Joanna Keller-Perz jkperz@chem.uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Geology Magdalena Majczyno m.majczyno@uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Biology Ewa Fluks e.fluks@uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies Dorota Chojnacka-Ścisło d.chojnackas@uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Political Science and International Studies Magdalena Konkowska  m.konkowska@uw.edu.pl
Dorota Klugowska d.klugowska@uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Law and Administration Dorota Otko-Majewska dom@wpia.uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Education Ilona Kowalak-Grabowy i.kowalak@uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Economic Sciences Anna Jaroszewicz ajaroszewicz@wne.uw.edu.pl
Mateusz Kopyt mkopyt@wne.uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Psychology Agata Mizgalska agata.mizgalska@psych.uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Management Wiesława Szymanowska WSzymanowska@wz.uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies Joanna Dubel j.dubel@uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Archaeology Joanna Lange-Kostrzewa j.lange@uw.edu.pl
Faculty of History Eldaniie Abdurashytova e.abdurashytov@uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Polish Studies Jolanta Przygocka j.d.przygocka@uw.edu.pl
Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Michał Głuszek m.gluszek@uw.edu.pl
Institute of the History of Art Sylwia Wójtowicz swojtowicz@uw.edu.pl
Institute of Musicology Anastasiya Niakrasava a.niakrasava@uw.edu.pl
Institute of Applied Linguistics Monika Marcinkowska student.lic.ils@uw.edu.pl
Joanna Starkowska student.ils@uw.edu.pl
Urszula Krasowska student.mgr.ils@uw.edu.pl
Institute of Russian Studies Małgorzata Cielebąk dziennerus@uw.edu.pl
Department of Belarusian Studies Małgorzata Cielebąk student.kb@uw.edu.pl
Department of Ukrainian Studies Sylwia Stedler-Banasiak student.ku@uw.edu.pl
Institute of Specialised and Intercultural Communication Paulina Stedler iksi@uw.edu.pl
Justyna Pomykała iksi.magisterskie@uw.edu.pl
Department of Central and East European Intercultural Studies Sylwia Stedler-Banasiak student.ksi@uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Modern Languages Joanna Dominowska j.dominowska@uw.edu.pl
Institute of English Studies Joanna Sokołowska sekretariat.angli@uw.edu.pl
Lidia Matuszewska sekretariat.angli@uw.edu.pl
Institute of German Studies Ewa Janukowicz germanistyka@wn.uw.edu.pl
Institute of French Studies
Janina Sas romanistyka@uw.edu.pl
Wiesława Kaczmarek wkaczmarek@uw.edu.pl
Institute of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies Grażyna Kurzyna Grazyna.Kurzyna@adm.uw.edu.pl
Department of Hungarian Studies Urszula Grzelecka hungarystyka@uw.edu.pl
Department of Italian Studies
Magdalena Mars italianistyka.wn@uw.edu.pl
Grażyna Buczyńska italianistyka.wn@uw.edu.pl
Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialisation Joanna Rucin-Kremplewska jerucink@uw.edu.pl
Katarzyna Podgórska ipsir-z@uw.edu.pl
Monika Nowakowska mi.nowakowska@uw.edu.pl
Institute of Applied Social Sciences Edyta Gruza isns-z@isns.uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Sociology Anna Osiecka-Bińkowska a.osiecka@is.uw.edu.pl
Joanna Caban cabanj@is.uw.edu.pl
Marta Jasińska jasinskam@is.uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Oriental Studies Monika Zeman m.zeman@uw.edu.pl
Faculty of “Artes Liberales” Roman Brzeziński r.brzezinski@al.uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Philosophy Alicja Chybińska a.chybinska@uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Medicine Kamil Kurdej kw.kurdej@uw.edu.pl
Centre for Europe Maria Grzybowska mgrzybowska@uw.edu.pl
Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling Hanna Szymanowska H.Szymanowska@icm.edu.pl
College of Inter-area Individual Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences Agnieszka Sobótka ligatura@mish.uw.edu.pl
College of Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MISMaP) Małgorzata Komorowska-Ozimek m.komorowska@fuw.edu.pl
Center for Forensic Science University of Warsaw Grażyna Sadowska g.sadowska@uw.edu.pl
University Centre for Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development Anita Piłatowicz a.pilatowicz@uw.edu.pl
Katarzyna Sołdaczuk k.soldaczuk@uw.edu.pl
Centre for Foreign Language Teacher Training and European Education UW Marzena Górecka m.gorecka@uw.edu.pl
Joanna Grasiewicz j.grasiewicz@uw.edu.pl
Centre for European Regional and Local Studies Magda Grabowska mj.grabowska@uw.edu.pl
American Studies Center Aleksandra Gniadzik-Smolińska a.gniadzik-smolinska@uw.edu.pl
Agnieszka Żmijewska-Czajka aczajka@uw.edu.pl
Klaudia Zalewska kp.zalewska@uw.edu.pl


[UPDATED 17 October]

5995. This is how many applications were received between 2 – 16 October during the application process for the rector’s scholarship for the 2023/2024 academic year. We plan to begin formal verification of applications next week, after we receive the necessary data from teaching units to begin the application checking process.

We anticipate that the release of decisions and payment of the stipend will take place in December 2023, the next update of the entry will be published when 80% of the applications have been verified.


A reminder about the meanings of the different statuses shown next to the application on USOSweb!

  • Declared incomplete/Declared incorrect – during the verification of the application, the coordinator found errors or missing documents. Most often, you will find detailed information on how to improve your application in a comment visible in USOSweb or in your email inbox.
  • Ready for consideration – document verification has been completed. The application is ready for processing.
  • Verified – the status of the application indicates that a decision will be made available soon.
  • Considered (decision to be delivered) – the decision will be made/has been made available in USOSweb. Please be patient as the decision will be made available after it is signed, so it may take a few days for it to appear in USOSweb. The decision can be found in the “list of administrative letters” tab (log in to USOSWeb -> Common Section, and then on the left in the column find the “list of administrative letters” tab).



Why don’t I see my grade point average on my rector’s scholarship application?
– Do not worry about the lack of average in the application, they will appear at the latest in early November 2023.

When will the scholarship be paid?
– We expect payment to be made in December 2023.

I found an error in my application, but I can no longer correct it. What can I do in this situation?
– At this stage of the application, we can no longer withdraw the application for improvement at the request of the applicant. Therefore, please be patient and wait for an announcement from the Coordinator after he completes the formal verification of the application.

I didn’t have time to submit my application in USOSweb, can I submit a paper application to the BPM?
– Yes, you can submit your application this way. However, in order to apply for the Rector’s scholarship, you must submit your application by 16 October (according to the UW Rector’s Announcement). This is a deadline, so if you submit your application after 16 October, you will not receive a decision from which you could appeal. The path for applying for the Rector’s scholarship definitely closes on the last day of the application.

I do not agree with the achievement score/average after verification and the Coordinator’s comment after he verified my application. What can I do?
– In this situation, follow the comment left in the application. Please do not delay in replying back if you disagree with the Coordinator’s decision.

If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you not to delay and contact our Office directly by phone or email.

[UPDATED 10 November]

We are extremely pleased to announce that the process of analyzing applications for the Rector’s scholarship is nearing completion. Currently, 80% of the submitted applications have already been analyzed.

The final results of the proceedings will be announced in December 2023. We ask for your understanding and patience during this period. Our team is dedicating a great deal of attention to carefully analyzing each application to ensure a fair and accurate evaluation for all students who have applied.

The next update of the entry will be published once the amount of the rector’s scholarship for the 2023/2024 academic year and the percentage of those eligible for it are known. The next step will be the issuance of decisions and payment of the benefit. We will keep you informed of all these developments.

[UPDATED 8 December]

[Scholarship amount] The amount of the scholarship has been set at 1000 PLN and the award period is October 2023 – June 2024.
We hope that the provision of this additional financial support will further your achievements and successes.

[Percentage of recipients] The percentage of persons eligible to receive a scholarship is set at 7%, with the proviso that if 7% is an incomplete number, rounding down to a whole number shall be applied. In addition, where more than one person is in the last position on the ranking list eligible to receive a scholarship, all persons in that position will receive a scholarship.
The number of eligible students will be determined on the basis of the number of students on 24 October 2023.

[Decisions] Please still have a little patience while waiting for the scholarship decisions, which will be gradually made available in the near future.
Therefore, we encourage you to check this post for up-to-date information.

[Payment deadlines] Each person who receives a successful decision will receive a Rector’s scholarship for October, November and December in December.
We will provide detailed dates for the scholarship payments in the next update of this post.
We are doing everything we can to ensure that the scholarship reaches you as soon as possible.

[What next?] The next step will be the issuing of scholarship decisions via USOSWeb and the payment of the benefit. We will keep you updated on the progress of these issues.

In line with our tried and tested custom from previous years, we plan to regularly update the number of decisions signed and made available. For technical reasons, we cannot share precise data on the number of approved decisions per course of study. However, in order to best reflect the progress of the process, we will inform you of the percentage of approved documents across the University of Warsaw.

We extend our sincere thanks for your understanding as we await the announcement of the scholarship results. At the same time, we keep our fingers crossed for the success and prosperity of all candidates!

[UPDATED 14 December]

We are pleased to be able to announce that the application process has been completed and the results are ready to be shared. The process of making the first decisions available starts today. For technical reasons, this may take a maximum of a few working days. The next update to the above post will be the percentage of decisions made available, which will be published at least once a day so that you can keep track.

You will be able to find the decisions in USOSweb as follows: [Common Section] -> [Applications] -> [List of administrative letters]. When a decision is ready for collection, you will receive an automatic message to your email. Please note that the absence of a decision at this stage does not mean a negative decision, but only that your decision is waiting to be signed by the Rector.

We would also like to inform you that the scholarship payment will be made according to the schedule available on our website: Rector’s Scholarship.

You will therefore receive your scholarship together with the compensation for October and November by the end of the day on 18 December (Monday) (the exact time depends on the bank where you have your account).

We would like to thank you all for your patience and commitment to the application and processing of the Rector’s scholarship applications. Please know that each decision was carefully considered and the selection of scholarship recipients was not easy, due to the high level of your academic, sporting or artistic achievements.

We wish you much success in your further academic endeavours. We hope that the scholarship will be a tangible support for you and contribute to your development and further impressive achievements!

If you are not satisfied with the decision, do not forget that you can appeal. You can find detailed information on this subject on our Rector’s Scholarship page – tab What if I don’t agree with the decision?

Statistics on the number of signed decisions on the rector’s scholarship:

[As of 14 December, 6:00 pm]

Currently, 93.7% of the decisions have been signed and made available.

[As of 15 December, 3:00 pm]

Currently, 100% of the decisions have been signed and made available.

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