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Rector’s scholarship

The rector’s scholarship is a benefit that awards the best students of a given year of a given field of study. Students compete for scholarships on the basis of outstanding academic performance (ie average grade), academic, sports and artistic achievement.

Funds for the rector’s scholarship, as well as for the social scholarship and the scholarship for the disabled, and the aid come from the Scholarship Fund, i.e. funds granted by the Ministry of Education and Science in the form of subsidies. This means that the funds that will not be used (if more than 70% of the subsidy funds are spent) are transferred to the next calendar year).

The legislator imposed a number of restrictions on universities regarding the spending of funds from the Scholarship Fund. They affect the amount of benefits offered at the University, e.g. if few people receive a social scholarship, the university may not increase the amount of the rector’s scholarship.

The number of people entitled to the benefit is determined annually by the Rector of the University of Warsaw, and this number cannot exceed 10% of students of a given field (when determining this number, students who receive a scholarship for the first year of first-cycle studies and the first year of uniform Master’s studies are not taken into account).

First-year 1st-cycle and 1st-year students of uniform Master’s studies who:

  • passed the matriculation examination in the year of admission to the first year of studies for which the student wants to apply for a scholarship
  • have a title
    • winner of the international olympics or
    • a laureate of the central level olympiad referred to in the regulations on the education system or
    • finalist of the central level olympiad, referred to in the regulations on the education system or
  • are medalists at least in sports competition for the title of Polish Champion in a given sport, referred to in the regulations on sport.

Older students who:

  • do not have a master’s degree or an equivalent degree (regardless of the time and place of obtaining it);
  • do not apply for a scholarship for first-cycle studies, having previously completed other first-cycle studies;
  • they do not study longer than 12 semesters, with the proviso that within this period, benefits are granted to:
    • first-cycle studies – not longer than nine semesters;
    • second-cycle studies – not longer than seven semesters.
  • do not repeat the year of studies in the academic year in which they want to receive the scholarship;
  • did not resume studies after being removed from the list of students due to failure to complete the academic year in which they want to receive the scholarship;
  • in the academic year preceding the academic year for which they want to receive the scholarship, they were not on leave;
  • in the academic year for which the scholarship is to be granted, they do not find the diploma thesis during the extension period;
  • for the last year of studies they obtained outstanding results in science or;
  • in the didactic cycle preceding the didactic cycle for which the scholarship is to be awarded, they obtained:
    • scientific achievements or
    • sports achievements or
    • artistic achievements.

You can apply for the rector’s scholarship at the beginning of the academic year. The deadline for submitting applications will be announced in the Rector’s Announcement.

In order to receive the Rector’s scholarship, an application must be submitted within the time limit set by the Rector. The application should contain all the achievements on the basis of which the student wishes to apply for the benefit. The application must also be reliably documented in accordance with §10 of Annex 3 to the Regulations.

To calculate the number of points for the grade point average obtained (Criterion I) Coordinators use the following formula:

Lp = 100*(average_scores – 4.00), where: Lp = Number of points 

Some example situations:
If your average is 4.49, the Coordinator will award you 49 points;
If your average is 3.99, the Coordinator will award you 0 points;
If your average is 5.00, the Coordinator will award you 100 points.

A detailed breakdown of points for additional achievements (Criterion II – IV), can be found in Appendix No. 3 to the Regulations on Benefits for Warsaw University Students.
The document is available at the link (in Polish only: https://monitor.uw.edu.pl/Lists/Uchway/Attachments/5978/M.2021.215.Obw.18.pdf.
The relevant sections, Art. §6-10, all information regarding the scoring of additional achievements is included, along with all details and criteria.

If you encounter difficulties in interpreting the Terms and Conditions, go ahead and get our help. We are always ready to provide additional explanations and resolve any doubts.

In the academic year 2024/2025:

PLN 1200 – the amount of the scholarship
9 months – number of times / months

Filled in – the application is in the process of completion, you can freely make changes to the document. Please note that applications and statements with this status will not be verified.

Delivered – at this stage you can no longer make changes to the application/statement. From this point on, the documents are subject to verification. To avoid problems related to the submission of the application/statement, make sure that USOSweb shows your email in the UW domain. Don’t put off submitting your application until the last moment!

Declared incomplete/Declared incorrect – during the verification of the application, the coordinator found errors or missing documents. Most often, you will find detailed information on how to improve your application in a comment visible in USOSweb or in your email inbox.

Ready for consideration – document verification has been completed. The application is ready for processing.

Verified – the status of the application indicates that a decision will be made available soon.

Considered (decision to be delivered) – the decision will be made/has been made available in USOSweb. Please be patient as the decision will be made available after it is signed, so it may take a few days for it to appear in USOSweb. The decision can be found in the “list of administrative letters” tab (log in to USOSWeb -> Common Section, and then on the left in the column find the “list of administrative letters” tab).

Rector’s scholarships will be paid by the Financial Department of the University of Warsaw on the following dates:

  • 18 October 2024 (additional date for payment of scholarship compensation for the previous academic year)
  • 18 November 2024 (additional date for payment of scholarship compensation for the previous academic year)
  • 18 December 2024
  • 17 January 2025
  • 18 February 2025
  • 18 March 2025
  • 17 April 2025
  • 19 May 2025
  • 18 June 2025

Rector’s Scholarship and Erasmus+
You can receive the Rector’s Scholarship during your Erasmus+ exchange period.

I graduated from first-cycle studies – I will be taking up second-cycle studies in a completely different field – can I apply for the rector’s scholarship?

Yes, the field of second-cycle studies does not have to be the same as the first-cycle studies. However, it should be remembered that there cannot be a break longer than 12 months between the end of the first cycle studies and starting the second cycle studies.

Can I receive the rector’s scholarship while on vacation?

Yes, a person who is currently on leave may be awarded the rector’s scholarship. However, it may not be granted to a person who has returned from leave – e.g. a person who is on leave from classes in the 2019/20 academic year will not be able to receive the rector’s scholarship in the 2020/21 academic year.
Basis: par. 1 clause 2 of Annex 3 to the Regulations of benefits for students of the University of Warsaw.

Do I have to pay tax in connection with receiving the rector’s scholarship?

No, the rector’s scholarship is tax-free – the University of Warsaw does not issue income tax in connection with the receipt of this scholarship. Basis: art. 21 point 39 of the Personal Income Tax Act.

Can I receive a rector’s scholarship in 2 fields of study?

No, the rector’s scholarship can be obtained only in one field of study. In the case of granting a scholarship in more than one field of study, it is necessary to submit a declaration on the selection of the field of study (or doctoral studies) in which you want to receive the benefit.
Basis: par. 5 sec. 1 of the Regulations of benefits for students of the University of Warsaw.

I have a master’s degree, can I receive a rector’s scholarship?

No, a student who already holds a master’s degree cannot be awarded the rector’s scholarship.
Basis: par. 5 sec. 4 pts 1 of the Regulations of Benefits for University of Warsaw students.

For what period is the rector’s scholarship granted?

The rector’s scholarship is awarded for a didactic cycle lasting the academic year and is paid for nine months – from October to June.

The scholarship is awarded for a didactic cycle lasting one semester and paid in the winter semester up to five months (October-February), in the summer semester up to four months (March-June) – in the case of studies for which recruitment is carried out twice a academic year or such which started with the summer semester, or when the year of study is a semester. Basis: par. 24 sec. 2 of the Regulations of benefits for students of the University of Warsaw.

I graduated from the 1st degree studies and was recruited for the 1st degree studies again, but in a different field, can I receive the rector’s scholarship in this case?

No, if a person who already has a bachelor’s degree resumes first-cycle studies, the rector’s scholarship may not be awarded.
Basis: par. 5 sec. 4 pts 1.

First-year and first-year students of uniform Master’s studies

  • a certificate confirming obtaining the title of the winner of the international Olympiad or the laureate or finalist of the Olympiad of the central level, referred to in the regulations on the education system
  • a certificate confirming being a medalist of at least sports competition for the title of Polish Champion in a given sport, referred to in the regulations on sport.

Older students

Outstanding academic performance

  • certificate of the average for the last year of study, the type of average (arithmetic or weighted) and the grading scale – in the case of students who completed the previous stage of studies at universities other than the University of Warsaw

Science achievements

  • a certificate from the publishing house or the journal’s editorial office confirming that the publication has been accepted for publication, confirming: 1) its title, 2) the date of acceptance of the publication for publication and the planned date of publication, and 3) in the case of a scientific publication – its review, with the name and academic degree of the reviewer , unless the so-called blind review and acceptance for print.
  • Confirmation of publication, containing: 1) its title, 2) date (at least one month) of its publication, 3) ISBN or ISSN number, and 4) in the case of a scientific publication – information about its review, with the name and academic degree of the reviewer , unless the so-called blind review – in particular, these data may be certified with photocopies or scans of the title and editorial pages, and in the case of a chapter or article – also the table of contents of the book or journal, or a certificate from the publishing house.
  • The conference program containing affiliations of active participants and a certificate from the conference organizer confirming the delivery of a paper or poster presentation, containing the date and title of the speech. If the conference program does not contain affiliation, a certificate from the conference organizer about affiliation of active participants should be provided.
  • Confirmation of taking a scored place at international or national competitions or festivals, in particular: 1) a diploma confirming the award of a scored place, and the centers represented, or 3) a certificate from the organizer, containing the above information.

Artistic achievements

  • A certificate from the publishing house or the journal’s editorial office confirming that the publication has been accepted for publication, confirming: 1) its title, 2) the date of acceptance of the publication for publication and the planned date of publication
  • Confirmation of issue of the publication, containing: 1) its title, 2) the date (at least one month) of its issue, 3) ISBN or ISSN number
  • Confirmation of taking a scored place at international or national competitions or festivals, in particular: 1) a diploma confirming the award of a scored place, and the centers represented, or 3) a certificate from the organizer, containing the above information.
  • Certificate from the organizer of the exhibition about its title, titles of the exhibited works and the time and place where it was held.

Sport achievements

  • Certificates of the relevant academic sports association or diplomas confirming the scoring places at sports competitions

[What is a request for reconsideration?]

An appeal or otherwise a request for reconsideration is a legal remedy against an administrative decision of the authorities of first instance. In the event that the Rector is the authority issuing the administrative decision, a party is entitled to a request for reconsideration. The provisions on appeals against decisions shall apply mutatis mutandis to a request for reconsideration.

[Competent authority for considering your request for reconsideration]

The body competent to consider your request is the Rector of the University of Warsaw.

[Time limit for filing a request for reconsideration].

Pursuant to Article 129 §2 of the Code of Administrative Procedure (k.p.a.), an appeal shall be lodged within fourteen days from the date of delivery of the decision to the party. When calculating this deadline, pursuant to Article 57 §1 of the Code of Administrative Procedure (k.p.a.), the day on which the decision was served shall not be taken into account. This means that if the decision was, for example, served on 1 October, the deadline for lodging an appeal expires on 15 October. Just remember to submit your request for reconsideration in accordance with the procedures and within the time limit!

[Obligatory elements of a request for reconsideration]

The request for reconsideration should compulsorily contain the following elements:

  • the identification of the person from whom a reconsideration request is made
  • the postal address of that person
  • the indication from which the reconsideration is requested
  • handwritten signature

Pursuant to Article 128 of the Code of Administrative Procedure (k.p.a.), an appeal does not have to be justified in great detail. It is sufficient that it shows that the party does not agree with the decision taken. Therefore, you do not need to provide many details or arguments – it is enough to express your dissatisfaction with the decision taken.

[How to submit a request for reconsideration]

An appeal shall be lodged with the competent appeal authority through the authority that made the decision.
The appeal may be lodged:

  • in person to the Student Welfare and Support Office UW, which is located at 55 Dobra Street.
  • by regular mail to the address of the BPM (ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warsaw) with the note “for BPM” ;
  • via the UW Chancellery with the note “for BPM”;
  • via ePUAP.

[Examples and also the most common situations that do not result in a change of decision]

Situation: I have a grade 5! in the subjects taken at UW from which the average for the scholarship was calculated, will I get extra points for it?
Answer: According to the Study Regulations, a 5! counts towards the average as a 5. Obtaining this grade is also not an additional achievement scored under the UW Student Benefits Regulations.

Situation: I have achievements other than those specified in the Regulations.
Answer: The catalogue of achievements is closed, therefore e.g. social activities are not scored.

Situation: comments concerning the assessment of the application were made only in the application for reconsideration of the dispute.
Answer: if comments were not submitted within the deadline (information in a comment in the application on USOSweb), they cannot be taken into consideration.

Situation: failure to provide evidence of achievement or average by the deadline and attach it to the request for reconsideration.
Answer: in accordance with § 4.3 of Appendix 3 of the UW Student Benefits Regulations, objections or demands regarding the assessment made after this deadline are not taken into account.

Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us directly.

Outstanding academic performance – grade average for the last year of study. The average is calculated in accordance with §42 para. 3 of the Study Regulations (average obtained at the University of Warsaw) or in accordance with the rules specified at another university (average obtained at a university other than the University of Warsaw)

Scientific achievements – scientific publications, scientific translations, scientific conferences and scientific competitions

Scientific publications – authorship or co-authorship of a scientific book, a chapter in a scientific book or a scientific article in a scientific journal

Scientific translations – authorship or co-authorship of a translation of a scientific book, a chapter in a scientific book or an article in a scientific journal

Artistic achievements – artistic publications, art competitions or festivals, and exhibitions

Art publications – an art book or publication of works in a collective publication

Sports achievements – achievements in Olympic or Paralympic sports in which Polish sports associations operate, referred to in the regulations on sports, or achievements in sports in which the Polish Academic Championships are organized by or under the patronage of the Board of the Academic Sports Association